Cllr Simons mission is to see real progress with plans for a new sports pavilion and changing rooms for Thorney Park. ‘’ The current facility is in an appalling state, and frankly verging on a dangerous condition".
Proposals have been bandied around for far too long. High hopes that Thorney Futures group with the participation of Vivacity would achieve success has stalled due to the demise of the Leisure Trust, so I believe it’s now time for a rethink.
Of course we must move forward with efforts to see the long term future for the Bedford Hall secured , and work towards an improved library in the village, but let’s get on now with getting a new pavilion built! A simple all sports changing facility will help bring improved football participation back to the village. This must be a good thing for community spirit and encourage healthy lifestyles and engagement of our young people.
I have arranged a meeting with Council officers and along with my fellow Ward Councillors will be demanding that feasibility plans, designs and costings are presented without further delay’’.
Nigel says: ‘’I won’t rest until spades are in the ground’’